How to Sew a Shirt Collar

Sewing a shirt collar can seem intimidating, but with the right techniques, it becomes a straightforward process. A well-crafted collar adds a polished look to any shirt, making it a rewarding skill to master. This guide breaks down the steps to sew a shirt collar, providing clear instructions and helpful tips to achieve a professional finish.

Materials and Tools:

  • Fabric
  • Interfacing
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins
  • Iron
  • Scissors


  1. Prepare the Pieces:

    • Cut the collar and collar stand pieces from your fabric and interfacing.
    • Apply interfacing to the collar pieces for added structure.
  2. Sew the Collar:

    • Place the collar pieces right sides together.
    • Sew along the outer edges, leaving the neckline edge open.
    • Trim the corners and turn the collar right side out.
    • Press the collar to achieve sharp edges.
  3. Attach the Collar to the Collar Stand:

    • Pin the collar to one of the collar stand pieces, right sides together.
    • Sew along the neckline edge.
    • Attach the other collar stand piece, sandwiching the collar between the stand pieces.
    • Sew along the outer edges, leaving the neckline edge open.
    • Turn the collar stand right side out and press.
  4. Attach the Collar to the Shirt:

    • Pin the collar stand to the neckline of the shirt, aligning the edges.
    • Sew the collar stand to the shirt, ensuring smooth, even stitching.
    • Press the seam for a neat finish.


  • Use pins or clips to hold pieces in place while sewing.
  • Press seams at each step for crisp, professional results.
  • Practice on scrap fabric if you're new to sewing collars.


Check the next videotutorial, that shows very well how to sew the collar (minute 41:20) 

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