Sew an Invisible Zipper

Invisible zippers are a sleek addition to any garment, allowing for a seamless look without visible stitching. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you master sewing an invisible zipper.

Materials Needed

  • Invisible zipper
  • Zipper foot (or an invisible zipper foot)
  • Sewing machine
  • Pins or fabric clips
  • Fabric marker or chalk
  • Iron and ironing board

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Prepare the Fabric

  • Finish the raw edges of your fabric where the zipper will be inserted using a serger or zigzag stitch.
  • Mark the zipper placement on the fabric with a fabric marker. This will help align the zipper correctly.

2. Prepare the Zipper

  • Open the zipper and press the coils flat with an iron. Use a low heat setting and be careful not to melt the zipper teeth. This step helps the zipper lie flat for easier sewing.

3. Pin the Zipper

  • Place the right side of the zipper on the right side of the fabric. Align the zipper teeth with the seam allowance. Pin or clip the zipper in place.

4. Sew the First Side

  • Attach the invisible zipper foot to your sewing machine. If you don’t have one, a regular zipper foot will work, but be extra cautious.
  • Sew as close to the zipper teeth as possible. The invisible zipper foot helps guide the teeth, ensuring you get very close for an invisible finish.
  • Sew from the top to the bottom of the zipper.

5. Sew the Second Side

  • Close the zipper and place the second side of the zipper tape on the other side of the fabric, making sure the teeth are aligned with the seam.
  • Open the zipper again and repeat the sewing process for the second side.

6. Sew the Seam Below the Zipper

  • After both sides of the zipper are sewn, close the zipper.
  • Change to a regular sewing foot, and sew the seam below the zipper. Start sewing a little above where the zipper stitching ends to ensure a seamless transition.

7. Press and Finish

  • Carefully press the fabric around the zipper to set the stitches and ensure the zipper lies flat.
  • Check the zipper function, ensuring it moves smoothly and is invisible when closed.

Tips for Success

  • Practice on Scrap Fabric: Before sewing your garment, practice inserting the invisible zipper on scrap fabric to get comfortable with the process.
  • Use Quality Zippers: Investing in good-quality invisible zippers ensures smoother sewing and better longevity.
  • Take Your Time: Sewing an invisible zipper requires precision, so take your time to align and sew each side correctly.

Invisible zippers offer a professional finish to your garments, and with these steps, you can achieve a flawless look. Happy sewing!


Check the next tutorial to see how to sew an invisible zipper neatly:

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